Welcome to a new feature on my blog!! I am excited to share some personal pics with you every month. In the past, I’ve put these in my recipe posts, but I thought it would be nice to just do a little post a month with some of our daily snapshots. You can get a little glimpse into our wild and crazy life when I’m not blogging! Plus, I like to put a few on Instagram too.
So here’s a look at what’s been going on around here this past month!
My oldest daughter is on a competitive cheer team. She cheers at the “Mini” level, and she loves it. They are so cute, so we love going to competitions to watch them perform! We have another one coming up in a few weeks.
Macy Paige had her first program at preschool! I got a little emotional and wondered how she got so big so fast. I feel like life has been sooooo busy since she was born. It’s so true what they say! Going from two to three children totally changed our world! When Mr. #4 arrived, he just blended in with the rest of the chaos! #truth
Speaking of #4, Landry is at the cutest age! Pardon the mouth with food on the left picture, but I just love that bright, sweet face. In the next photo, he was playing so quietly in the pantry, I knew he had to have gotten into something. Sure enough, he had found a candy on the floor!
And he just adores his big sister!
These 4 had a great Christmas! Notice we are now into “bunny ears” around here too 🙂
And they also had a wonderful Christmas vacation! We played Uno Attack, and they jumped on the new trampoline. Notice Batman was there too! And just a little side note on the trampoline. This is our 2nd one to have because the first one got mangled from the weather one day. We haven’t had one in a few years, so they were ecstatic. They played on that thing all day everyday during the break. And when they’d come inside, they were exhausted. There was nothing that made this momma happier than to hear sounds of laughter of children happily playing (and not fighting 🙂 ) and then coming inside pooped!
And this picture right here is a sneak peek of something that has been a year in the making in our home!!!! We added on a butler’s pantry with a built-in desk area! I desperately needed storage. More pics to come once it is finally finished.
So that’s it for this edition of Diary Dailies! Hope you all have a great day! I’ll be back tomorrow with the Weekly Family Meal Plan.
Awe, Jaren, thanks for sharing your wonderfully joyous babies with us! Have 4 myself, with my youngest being 18!Great that they enjoy activity, and playing. Loved the trampoline days, back in Wisconsin. Got an above land pool for summer. Same affect, laughter followed by exhausted kids! Had 2dance/pom team daughters too. The competitions, so much fun! Enjoy, are right about how fast time goes. They always will be your babies,even when grown. Such a proud and wonderful mommy they have!
Teri, I love to hear from other mommas with lots of kids and stories of how it all turned out as they got older. I welcome any helpful advice any day!! Raising 4 is tough already, and we’ve only just begun!!